Friday, July 3, 2009

We are the Ocean

Hey there! Excited for the 4th? I kinda am, I'm excited to set stuff on fire!! Well, I've picked out yet another band. Today I actually had to think a little about this one, but we ended up going with
'We are the Ocean'.
WATO is acutally from the UK believe it or not, ( its good to see some good music coming from them again!) They are a altenative and scremo band, which is awesome! They have two singers, there's the singer, and then the screamer, and they both kinda blend well together. WATO is still unsigned, I think? They're myspace wasn't to helpfull on that fact. But they still have a EP out. So I totally googled what a EP is today, and for those of you that don't know, and EP is a CD that is too small to be a LP ( which is what we normally buy.) But bigger then a single. So it's the middle one!
Acording to their history on Wiki, it looks like they've had a lot of trouble in the beginning setting up and stuff, everyone kept quiting and they broke up for awhile, but now there all back together again. The reason they've shot up so high now is because of Myspace, ( Good o'le myspace) and they were voted the 2nd best British Newcomer.
They'll be releasing a CD this fall called 'Cutting our teeth', the cover art is pretty sweet. And they'll be at the Leeds festival in the UK this August, so if you live in the UK go support them in their performance!
That's all I've got for today, I need a nap, well, it's to late for a nap, so technically bed time. G'night. OH! WAIT! seeing as how I'm giving you bands to listen to, you should give me some back in return! Because eventually I will run out of bands to post up here, ( That won't be for a long time, but still!) so just leave me a comment on which bands you like. Oh yeah, the link for one of their Vids is below.

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