Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Band for the Week

Hey there, for those of us that just love music, nothing is more exciting then finding a new band to love and listen too. So for those of us that can find a decent band to listen to anymore, I'll help you out! You can ask me to find you a band to listen too, I'm good at finding more alternitive, scremo, rock, and techno, but I can try country and rap and R and B.
But also, I will present a new band to listen to every once in a while, ( Hopefully that means every week). So the band I chose for this week is Scary Kids Scaring Kids. I just came across them this week, and I love them. I've seen some people wearing some of their t-shirts, but it wasn't untill this week when a friend of mine asked me to find her some new music that I actually came across them.
SKSK (Scary Kids Scaring Kids abreveated) is a great band with an EP and 2 Cd's out already. Currently I love the 2nd cd of theirs, which is called Scary Kids Scaring Kids. It's a great CD that actually has 16 tracks. My favorite song on the album has to be Holding On. According to our dear friend Wikipedia, SKSK is a Hard/Indie Rock group. To me they have deep lyrics that are about finding ones self, and getting out of misery, they kinda have a sad vibe to them for me.
But that is our band for the Week, please support Scary Kids Scaring Kids if you enjoy their music, Down below is a link to buy to the CD Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and a link to a youtube video of theirs.

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