Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I've been in the great out doors ( great out doors= neighborhood). But I found a ton of great new bands that I'll hope you love!
Well the band this week is more widely known, at least more known then what I've posted up prior to this post. So can anyone define placebo? I just found out that it's a medication that has no affect. Like sugar pills, sometimes just taking a sugar pill can trick the patient into thinking their better already. I thought that was kinda cool and somthing to share.
The first time I heard mention of this band was when stephanie meyer ( twilight author) but one of their songs in her play list. Placebo actually comes from the UK, which is great. They have some great bands there. They only have 3 members from what I can see, one of which is Molko. He is the lead singer, and into black from what I can see. I looked at some of their pictures, and he kinda scares me a little because he's so pale and has black hair and eyeliner, then these bright blue eyes just pop right out!
I only have one of their albums, and its Meds, and it's really good. I just laid on my couch and listened to them. It's strangely calming, but also intense. It's hard to describe, but I feel at peace when I listen to them, even though the lyrics are a little depressing.
So that's the band for today! Hope you enjoy!
Here's the link to a video and where to buy a cd!

Friday, July 3, 2009

We are the Ocean

Hey there! Excited for the 4th? I kinda am, I'm excited to set stuff on fire!! Well, I've picked out yet another band. Today I actually had to think a little about this one, but we ended up going with
'We are the Ocean'.
WATO is acutally from the UK believe it or not, ( its good to see some good music coming from them again!) They are a altenative and scremo band, which is awesome! They have two singers, there's the singer, and then the screamer, and they both kinda blend well together. WATO is still unsigned, I think? They're myspace wasn't to helpfull on that fact. But they still have a EP out. So I totally googled what a EP is today, and for those of you that don't know, and EP is a CD that is too small to be a LP ( which is what we normally buy.) But bigger then a single. So it's the middle one!
Acording to their history on Wiki, it looks like they've had a lot of trouble in the beginning setting up and stuff, everyone kept quiting and they broke up for awhile, but now there all back together again. The reason they've shot up so high now is because of Myspace, ( Good o'le myspace) and they were voted the 2nd best British Newcomer.
They'll be releasing a CD this fall called 'Cutting our teeth', the cover art is pretty sweet. And they'll be at the Leeds festival in the UK this August, so if you live in the UK go support them in their performance!
That's all I've got for today, I need a nap, well, it's to late for a nap, so technically bed time. G'night. OH! WAIT! seeing as how I'm giving you bands to listen to, you should give me some back in return! Because eventually I will run out of bands to post up here, ( That won't be for a long time, but still!) so just leave me a comment on which bands you like. Oh yeah, the link for one of their Vids is below.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Framing Hanley

So I already picked out another band, this moment's band is Framing Hanley.
Framing Hanley comes from Nashville, Tennessee. Just because they're from tennessee dosen't mean they are a country band, far from it. FH is a Emo/ Grunge band, which is great, because there's only so much Pop and Dance music a person can handle at a time. Now seeing as how this is a emo band, they do have a darker tone to them, which recently I've been loving. But they did do a cover for the song ' Lolli Pop' by Lil' wayne if I remember correctly, so if you like covers of other songs, you should go check it out.
Now FH used to be under a different name not too long ago, which was Embers Fade, but they changed it in memory of a loved one of theirs that passed away. So if you actually came across them under their other name, then now you know they've changed it.
They only have one CD out so far which is ' The Moment', and I love it. I have two favorite songs on it, which are 23 days, and Count Me In. They are a super great band and you should listen to their stuff and support them if you like their music, and if you don't like their music you should'nt bash them, because thats stupid.
Here are the links to buy the CD and youtube clip.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Band for the Week

Hey there, for those of us that just love music, nothing is more exciting then finding a new band to love and listen too. So for those of us that can find a decent band to listen to anymore, I'll help you out! You can ask me to find you a band to listen too, I'm good at finding more alternitive, scremo, rock, and techno, but I can try country and rap and R and B.
But also, I will present a new band to listen to every once in a while, ( Hopefully that means every week). So the band I chose for this week is Scary Kids Scaring Kids. I just came across them this week, and I love them. I've seen some people wearing some of their t-shirts, but it wasn't untill this week when a friend of mine asked me to find her some new music that I actually came across them.
SKSK (Scary Kids Scaring Kids abreveated) is a great band with an EP and 2 Cd's out already. Currently I love the 2nd cd of theirs, which is called Scary Kids Scaring Kids. It's a great CD that actually has 16 tracks. My favorite song on the album has to be Holding On. According to our dear friend Wikipedia, SKSK is a Hard/Indie Rock group. To me they have deep lyrics that are about finding ones self, and getting out of misery, they kinda have a sad vibe to them for me.
But that is our band for the Week, please support Scary Kids Scaring Kids if you enjoy their music, Down below is a link to buy to the CD Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and a link to a youtube video of theirs.