Thursday, July 2, 2009

Framing Hanley

So I already picked out another band, this moment's band is Framing Hanley.
Framing Hanley comes from Nashville, Tennessee. Just because they're from tennessee dosen't mean they are a country band, far from it. FH is a Emo/ Grunge band, which is great, because there's only so much Pop and Dance music a person can handle at a time. Now seeing as how this is a emo band, they do have a darker tone to them, which recently I've been loving. But they did do a cover for the song ' Lolli Pop' by Lil' wayne if I remember correctly, so if you like covers of other songs, you should go check it out.
Now FH used to be under a different name not too long ago, which was Embers Fade, but they changed it in memory of a loved one of theirs that passed away. So if you actually came across them under their other name, then now you know they've changed it.
They only have one CD out so far which is ' The Moment', and I love it. I have two favorite songs on it, which are 23 days, and Count Me In. They are a super great band and you should listen to their stuff and support them if you like their music, and if you don't like their music you should'nt bash them, because thats stupid.
Here are the links to buy the CD and youtube clip.

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